what is it?
<<August 29, 2004 - Sunday, 11:22 pm>>

i keep asking danielle what's wrong, but she won't tell me.

i really don't know what she's afraid of.


maybe she's afraid of everything falling apart. especially now when she's held it all together for so long now.

the higher you go, the harder you fall, right?

i can pull through for myself, but i don't know where the fuck she's going with this.


i had a few dreams the other night. graphic and alarming, and now.. reading up on symbols, i feel even less at ease.

the first couple dreams had a common theme. that is, being detached at the hips/waist.

here are some ideas about that theme:

Half [a person]

To dream about half of something, indicates that something in your waking life is incomplete or unresolved. It may also indicate that you are only partially acknowledging your feelings. You or someone else is limiting or restricting you. Alternatively, the dream may suggest that you need to be open to compromise and meet halfway.

Separation [of the body]

To dream of a separation, represents a waking situation or relationship that is breaking apart. You may be experiencing separation anxiety. Alternatively, it indicates that you are feeling torn apart and divided. Your feelings are pulling you in opposite directions.


To notice your hips in your dream, represents your mobility adaptability to some situation. It relates to getting things done. The dream may also be a pun on being hip.

Dismemberment [since i am at a loss as to whether there is a word for being cut in half]

To dream that you are dismembered, suggests that some situation or circumstance is falling apart in your waking life. You are feeling disempowered and experiencing some great and significant loss.

in one dream, it was quite simply that i was shopping for clothes when this half mannequin, from the hips down [the kind they put jeans on in some department stores] starts approaching me. i don't remember if i tried talking to it, or it tried talking to me or what..



To dream that you are shopping, indicates your needs and desires. Consider what you are shopping for and what needs you are try to fulfill.

To dream that you are shopping for or buying clothes, represents your anxieties about trying to fit in or being well-suited" for your changing role.


To see a mannequin in your dream, represents an extension of your own self that you are projecting. You may feel that you are not playing an active enough role in some situation. Consider how the mannequin is dressed for clues as to what you may wish to act out, but have not done so.

the next dream.. i was on my way to the fair, sitting in the back seat of an SUV when my hips detach from my upper body. but yet i can still feel the lower half of my body there. and there is another half of a body underneath me. a man's half. and it is fucking me to the rhythm of the bumpy car ride. with each bump in the road, i feel the penis penetrate me. i am helpless since i don't have half of my body.

we arrive at the fair, and i am frantically trying to re-attach my body. i notice the hips feel a little crooked, but i go with it. i step out of the vehicle and i am bleeding profusely. mostly in between my legs.

the people i'm with.. my parents, i think, don't really know what to do. they're not too alarmed, but they stand around to see if they can find help. none comes. we leave and never go to the fair.


To dream that you are at the fair, suggests that you have overcame some minor obstacle and ready to move forward with renewed energy. [but i never get to the fair, so what does that say?]


To dream that you are bleeding or losing blood, signifies that you are suffering from exhaustion or that you are feeling emotionally drained. It may also denote bitter confrontations between you and your friends. Your past actions has come back to haunt you. Women often dream of blood or of someone bleeding shortly before or during their periods and when they are pregnant.

lastly. this dream i'm more fuzzy on. some kind of weird crazy world where the humans have to go to one side of the planet because the animals are taking over. i dunno. not to clear on it.

but here is one event that i remembered. i had a tumor or a boil, or something nasty-looking growing from my lower abdomen. i was scared shitless, didn't know what to do with my deformity or what would become of it since it only kept getting bigger. but there was a sorcerer. and he made it better by turning it into a cat. and the cat was able to escape from my body.


To see your abdomen in a dream, refers to your natural instincts and repressed emotions. This symbol may also have a strictly physiological factor where you may be experiencing constipation or indigestion. Emotionally, seeing your abdomen in your dream may imply something in your real life that you "cannot stomach" or have difficulties accepting You want to get it out of your system.To dream that you abdomen is exposed, signifies trust and vulnerability. You may be expressing a desire to express your primal emotions/instincts.


To dream that you or someone has a tumor, suggests that some repressed memory or feeling remains unsettled and is threatening to emerge into your consciousness. You need to confront these issues. Consider where in the body is this tumor is located for additional symbolism.


To dream that you have an abscess, suggests that something need to be expressed.


To dream that you or someone is deformed, represents undeveloped aspects of yourself that you may have ignored. You refusal to acknowledge these characteristics may be affecting your performance and creative flow.


To see a cat in your dream, signifies much misfortune, treachery, and bad luck. However, for the cat lover, cats signifies an independent spirit, feminine sexuality, creativity, and power.

all this puts a lot on my plate.

but it also doesn't help me much..



step back - push forward


-January 16, 2017
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