not much
<<September 19, 2004 - Sunday, 2:34 pm>>

oh my god.. holy crap..

i appear to be influenced by the stars after all. and even when i read my horoscope in advance, i am still surprised and caught off guard by its fleshing out.

the "new clothes" part i immediately recognized. while walking around in stores yesterday, the desire and longing was so irrepressibly strong. had i any spare money, i definitely would've left yesterday with some new clothes. and even when i don't have any spare money, i still very seriously considered it. it was very depressing to have to say no..

the "dietary focus" i honestly didn't realize until just now. just now when i finished my fresh tomato and mozarella with balsamic vinagarette salad. there is something to take note in that. i had never bought any fresh tomatoes before, especially not for myself, in my LIFE! in fact, i grew up hating tomatoes. but i noticed recently that the taste is growing on me. and an atkins email newsletter persuaded me further on the benefits of eating fresh tomatoes. something about it being packed with vitamin A, i think.. which i was looking to get more of for my skin.. and other nutrients.. and that they prevent cancer or something like that. [i was trying to re-find the newsletter, but now it eludes me.] plus! well, shit it's so easy to make a tasty snack with a tomato.

"after september 22".. y'know.. i'm going to listen to the dalai lama speak on the 22nd. i wonder if that will affect me.. or.. i wonder if the project i have due on the 22nd will be a problem for me.. my last meeting for that class ended really weird.


i got a lot of stuff done last night. it's nice to be able to check things off your todo list..


step back - push forward


-January 16, 2017
ChicagoMarch 19, 2011
ok i will say something elseSeptember 24, 2006
i still love youSeptember 24, 2006
reaching outJuly 16, 2006