maybe i need something to do
<<November 22, 2004 - 3:21 am>>

i used to think that no one would ever understand. but that's dumb. plenty of people do understand. you just have to trust them.

that's my thought for the day.

i haven't done much of digging into my existential issues lately.. or any of the other deeper things..

i'm just here. and here's not a bad place to be.

there's something i'm wanting, though. something that's keeping me up tonight. i can't go to sleep until i have it. worse, i can't even figure out what it is..

so i'll just lay my head down with the question swirling in my head.. 'what is it you want, danielle?'

perhaps my dreams can tell me..


step back - push forward


-January 16, 2017
ChicagoMarch 19, 2011
ok i will say something elseSeptember 24, 2006
i still love youSeptember 24, 2006
reaching outJuly 16, 2006