mm, stuff
<<Mo 03.18.02 - 3:49 pm>>

Wow. I haven't eaten in 24 hours, now. And I'm still not hungry. Last time I ate was at this St. Patrick's Day Banquet thing yesterday. Somebody must have made some really satisfying dish for me to still not be hungry.. But I like not eating. Stuff doesn't jiggle as much when I don't eat. At this rate, I could go on until Wednesday. I don't work until Wednesday. And I really should eat before I go to work because I know I can get faint if I don't eat. Gotta be at my best consciousness when I'm at work..

It's nice to feel satisfied. It doesn't happen too often in life. Well, in my life, at least. It would be nice if there were some kind of magical food or drug or drink that could just make you feel satisfied with your current state and not have to crave or need anything.. But then things might get boring.. Or nothing extraordinary would happen. But then you'd have your magical substance to combat any impending boredom or any such danger, and then it really wouldn't matter.

Because you'd be happy.

And that's all anybody ever really wants, isn't it?

As I was driving yesterday, I came across an intersection where at there stood a homeless (or maybe just poor) man with a sign expressing his hunger and need. And I got to thinking.. I really wish I was rich. I'm sure everyone wishes that, my desire and train of thought at the moment wasn't so self-serving. If I was rich, I discussed with myself in my head, I would tell the next person in need standing with a sign at an intersection to get in the car. And I would tell them, "I'm going to help you." And at first I thought that I would take them to my home where they can shower, clean up, and have something good to eat, but then I thought better of that. A lot of people aren't honest, sad but true, so you can't trust a person from the very beginning like that. What's to stop that person from grabbing things from my house or robbing me or anything like that. Plus they would know where I live.. It was too risky, I decided. So.. if they were homelesss, I would get them a week's stay at an extended stay place. There, they can shower, clean up, shave, whatever. Then I would take them with me to buy them some new clothes, just one outfit's worth. I would get them a nice meal at a buffet place, so they can eat all they want. I would talk to them about their situation all throughout this, discussing what things I can do to help them. Addressing any disabilities or special concerns, I would see what kind of job I could help them get, take them around to some places to get applications, and help them fill 'em out.. At the end of the day, I would drop them off at the extended stay place, give them just a few dollars for busfare or food, and they would have my cell phone for whenever they need more of my assistance. They would have a week. A week to get serious and start getting their life together. Their one big chance. If they show to me that their really not serious about becoming self-sufficient, I would tell them, "I'm sorry, I cannot help you anymore.." But if they show promise, they would have a week more, and another week.. Until they've saved up enough so that I can help them get some housing.. And so on.. I would be their sponsor. Until they no longer need me..


I think it might be fun. And extremely rewarding.. Especially since I know how hard it can be to get back up once you've fallen, financially. The US isn't always the land of opportunity.. If you've fallen beneath the cracks, there's always so many people ready to just walk all over you.. I like how, is it in England..or maybe Cuba..?, where housing, a place to live, isn't a privilege, but a right. Or in other countries, healthcare. Why should it be a privilege to be healthy..? Or a college education. These things are treated as privileges in our country. In others, they are considered rights, and are therefore free. Sure, you pay more taxes, but goddamn, at least you have a roof over your head.. Those extra taxes benefit you in the end..

I dunno.. It just seems to me that the US is not the best place to be living in if you've hit rock bottom.. 'Course, there could be worse places..


step back - push forward


-January 16, 2017
ChicagoMarch 19, 2011
ok i will say something elseSeptember 24, 2006
i still love youSeptember 24, 2006
reaching outJuly 16, 2006