and that's not all DSL stands for...
<<Sa` 05.18.02 - 11:28 pm>>


On a somewhat happier note..

After just being disconnected for the umpteenth time, thanks to good old earthlink dialup.. [Free, too. How nice.] It looks like there may be a chance that we could be getting DSL [woohoo! my initials!] for free. Yes. I said it. FREE. That is.. if my Hunnie can get this excellent job working for BellSouth DSL. Which.. all magic eight balls point to "Yes!" Except for the one that says "Maybe not. They need you now, but you're going on a 10 day trip to New York soon and that would interfere most unfortunately."

Which.. that would really suck.. And we can't really say "Fuck New York" because it's my cousin's wedding and I'm going to be the bridesmaid. Or maid of honor. Or "honor attendent." I'm still not sure what my title's supposed to be. I'm hoping I'll find out when I get there. But I have a question.. if I am the "maid of honor," do I have to make, a, uhm... *deep breath, stay calm*.. speech at the reception??

Oh, god.. please say no.. anything but that..


step back - push forward


-January 16, 2017
ChicagoMarch 19, 2011
ok i will say something elseSeptember 24, 2006
i still love youSeptember 24, 2006
reaching outJuly 16, 2006