lightning striking me again
<<We 08.21.02 - 12:29 am>>


Damn lightning.

We got hit again. And again I don't have a working computer.

Dammit all to hell!

Luckily, the university library is open till 1 am now that summer is over and the new semester has started. We tried going earlier in the day, but there were just way too many cars parked in the lots.. That's what gave away that fall semester has already begun. So we were like, "fuck that." And we went to SuperTarget instead. A very common place for us to hang out. We're just.. in love with that store. I want everything in there! Everything, I tell you!

But for now we just walk up and down the aisles and dream..

Speaking of dreams.. I've had some unusual dreams lately..

First, I had this one where I was, like, trapped in this world.. where they controlled your mind with the yummy muffins they had there. I had already escaped or they let me go, but they came back to my house to take me back. I tried hiding in the closet in my bedroom. But my cousin was hiding with me.. The closet had curtains instead of doors.. and my cousin kept knocking the rod for the curtains down. So I gave up and tried to hide inside a red velvet couch. First, I tried underneath on the floor, but then I tried hiding inside, underneath the cushions.

But the guy who was looking for me.. and was head of this other world.. [he was a lot like Gary Cole, btw -American Gothic, Office Space- and he just walked slowly and confidently to my room, assured that he would find me]. Sure enough, he found me in the couch.. And my mom was like, "oh, there you are!" Like she wasn't trying to hide me at all. But I knew she had to be like that because you really can't try messing with these people too hard.. because they mess with your minds.

So anyway, they took me back. A little later, Hunbun sneaked into the other world and tried to help me escape.. And.. it was weird.. in this world, there were all these stairs everywhere.. some leading to nowhere.. some leading right back down. And we figured out that this world was underground.. so we had to find the highest staircase.

So we did. And we jumped out of there. Went through this, like, tunnel from out of a fun house.. 'till we got to the bridge where the security officers were. I was very nervous about going by them, but Hunbun just told them nonchalantly, "oh, we're just going home." And they let us go.

And we were free again.

I find it so weird, though.. how whenever Hunbun is in my dream.. it's always this long, drawn-out, adventurous, journey-type dream. Like.. what does that all mean..?

And then the next night I dream of my ex again. Same as always. Getting back together with him.. or at least the possibility being open. I know it's not me wanting to be with him, now. Because the Dan in my dreams is not the Dan that is anymore. And I completely recognize that. I am, however, longing for something familiar.. something comforting.. something to give me that feeling again..



step back - push forward


-January 16, 2017
ChicagoMarch 19, 2011
ok i will say something elseSeptember 24, 2006
i still love youSeptember 24, 2006
reaching outJuly 16, 2006