new job anxiety
<<Sa 09.28.02 - 3:55 pm>>


There's nothing that a good fuck can't cure. At least for a little while.

I don't know what my problem is. Too stressed, I know. Too stressed for my own good.

I'm on the verge of getting a new job. I applied at one of the branch libraries, and I think they want to hire me. The initial interviewer said she was "impressed." Now, I have a second interview at 9:30 am on Monday with some branch director or something at the big library downtown. She stressed to bring my ID with current address and my social security card. From there, I'll have to take a drug test and a physical [woohoo! free physical! 'bout time!].

I have a couple things worrying me, though. One, the current address thing. I tried going to the DMV today to get an ID with my current address. There was a line about 50 people long waiting outside [and I'm not exaggerating that number] in the hot Orlando sun. Hunbun reasoned that I already had my license, I just needed an ID, so I shouldn't have to wait in that line. So he asked the lady at the counter inside [inside was cramped, dirty, ghetto, and had about 20 more people sitting in chairs, waiting] about where to go just for an ID card.

Lady said, "You got an appointment?"


"Go wait in line."

Bitch was fucking rude. I think Hunbun was telling her that he was merely asking for information, and she didn't have to be so rude. I, on the other hand, flicked her off on my way out. [Yes. Childish of me, I know.]

Oh, but if only I had a shotgun handy..

Y'know.. if you don't want to answer questions, just put up fucking signs.

But.. there was no way in hell we were going to wait in that inhumane line. Treating people like cattle is what they're doing at that Winter Park DMV.

So we got back to the apartment. Hunbun wanted to see if he could make an appointment for me early Monday morning, before my second interview. But we saw online that DMV offices aren't open on Monday. He still called out of curiosity for certain policies they had. So he called up the South Orange branch and found out that, no, you don't need to make an appointment for an ID card, and yes, there is an express line for that.

Fuck that Winter Park office. I hope someone blows up that ghetto dump of a building.

But anyway.. I'll just have to explain [in a kinder, more professional manner] why I wasn't able to get an ID with my current address in time.

That aside, I'm having anxiety about trying to go into a job when I know I'm only planning to be here for only three more months. I mean.. should I mention that to my interviewer..? What do I do here??

Honesty is one of my biggest faults, and I hate deceiving anybody, even when it might hurt me if I don't..

Hunbun gave me another way to look at it, though. He said I don't have to mention it because, really, I don't even know if I'll be moving in three months for sure.

And that's true. For all I know, all my plans for going back to Miami by Spring Semester might fall through. Because, at this point, I have no way to pay for anything, I haven't even applied for housing, and absoultely nothing is set in stone, or even remotely reliable. So it's just as possible I'd be sticking around for longer than three months anyway..

So it's okay not to say anything, right?



step back - push forward


-January 16, 2017
ChicagoMarch 19, 2011
ok i will say something elseSeptember 24, 2006
i still love youSeptember 24, 2006
reaching outJuly 16, 2006