creature looming
<<February 24, 2003 - Monday,5:38 pm>>

This is an email I just sent:

aaron, omigod, you need to give me your number in case something comes up. so many times, something happens and i wish i had the number to call you. aaron, i need someone to wash my dishes for me. i was washing a spoon and my mug, and the water was smelly in there so i dumped some of the water that was sitting in bowls and cups, etc. and when i was pushing the dishes aside to do that, i could have SWORN i saw some black slithery-like creature scatter to the drain. and now i'm so paranoid and petrified. i can't go near the dishes again. what if it's some water-bacteria created creature? what if it gets out of the sink? i'm having haunting visions of it growing six feet tall and it's going to come after me and poison me and kill me and i'm so scared and paranoid and i really need someone to wash my dishes for me!

if i knew how to do a scared face, i would put it right here.

seriously, i keep checking my back. i'm so scared it's gonna get out of the sink.




step back - push forward


-January 16, 2017
ChicagoMarch 19, 2011
ok i will say something elseSeptember 24, 2006
i still love youSeptember 24, 2006
reaching outJuly 16, 2006