harm or help?
<<September 09, 2003 - Tuesday, 9:53 am>>

It's happened on many occassions now, where.. I take four pills of Sudafed Severe Cold Formula [the box with purple] just before I go to sleep, usually just for kicks.. [Last night it was actually for a cold.]

But then, for some reason, I wake up the next morning between the ungodly hours of 8am and 9am WITHOUT the aid of an alarm clock! And, even better, I wake up refreshed.

Now, if you know me, you know that one of my biggest problems is getting up in the morning. In a perfect world, I'd wake up at noon [or later] every day. My morning process involves hitting the snooze button for at least an hour's worth before I actually wake up. So I know better and always set my alarm clock for an hour before I need to wake up and get going.

But with Sudafed.. I could be alarm clock free.. I'm so tempted to do this every night now. Now, I know you shouldn't take medication for symptoms you don't have, and you especially shouldn't take twice the recommended dosage, but..

Shit, this could improve my daily life to an immeasureable degree!

I actually thought about hopping in the shower this morning, 9am, going to the gym to work out for an hour, come back to my apartment, shower again and get ready for class at 12:30 pm. And if I could do that on a somewhat daily basis, thanks to Sudafed... I can't even imagine the levels and levels of improvement I would make.

But.. how would I hurt myself by taking four pills of Sudafed every night...? See, that I don't know...


step back - push forward


-January 16, 2017
ChicagoMarch 19, 2011
ok i will say something elseSeptember 24, 2006
i still love youSeptember 24, 2006
reaching outJuly 16, 2006