strange news from another star...
<<October 22, 2000 - 3:10 am>>

Wow. I was just listening to some clips from Radiohead's new cd, KID A.. an'.. they sound really different. I really hesitated to buy this one. Maybe I was growing out of Radiohead.. or maybe I was afraid of their new change. I dunno.. I just wasn't all that excited once KID A finally came out. But.. since I have professed to be such an avid fan of theirs.. I almost felt obligated to get this cd. I kept putting it off.. but finally, I just purchased it a few minutes ago. Online. It's cool. Even with shipping and everything, a cd still comes out a lot cheaper than if you were to buy it at some cd store.. so I think that's what I'm gonna hafta do from now on. Buy my cds online.

Yes. Call me old-fashioned, but.. I still prefer to pay for my music. :p

Right now I'm listening to Blur. I must be in an English mood tonite.. anyone care for some tea..? no?? you bloody bastards..

Anyway. It's amazing the food one can crave once they no longer have someone cooking for them. Before, I stayed as far away as possible from meat and hamburger stuff. When I had a choice, I'd always go for chicken. But.. I was watching "Erin Brokovich" tonite.. and in one scene she was eating a cheeseburger.. mmm.. cheeseburger.. I actually started craving for a cheeseburger! this is *not* a very danielle craving. quite the opposite. danielle hates cheeseburgers. or used to... give me one now!!!!

If I only had a car! I'd be at Denny's right now (McDonald's is closed) eating a nice juicy cheeseburger.. mmm..


But. yeah. I'm doing better. This "morning" I woke up with the song "It's a beautiful morning.." in my head. M would always sing that in the morning.. :) It's the little stuff that can give you a more positive outlook on life. I think I'd like to do away with negativism. (is that a word..?) That's a huge waste of energy, I think. Life is meant to be experienced. Might as well enjoy it. It's your choice. How you choose to take it.

Life is Beautiful.

(good movie, btw)

And anything can happen. Like, a few months ago, I would have NEVER guessed I'd be here where I am now. And separate from D. I know I probably say this a lot, but it's like.. it still hasn't hit me, y'know? Life, in this respect, still feels a bit unreal. It's like I'm waiting for when I'll wake up and be at home.. everything will be as I left it.. and D will still love me.. etc, etc, etc.

But.. it's okay, now. I'm on my own now. For a brief time, I was with M. But now he's saying he wants to be friends first. Which is a good idea. I'm probably not ready for another relationship right now anyway. But.. in a way, M was like my bridge between D and no D. If that makes sense. He carried me over. well, I don't care if it doesn't make sense to you.. it does to me. :p And.. although I'll really, really miss his kisses.. it's for the best. I need to find out who I am right now..

Damn. I don't know why I feel so inspired and hopeful right now.. I know it'll probably be all gone tomorrow, but.. I hope it won't..

I feel nice right now. I can say that truthfully.


It's nice.. :)


step back - push forward


-January 16, 2017
ChicagoMarch 19, 2011
ok i will say something elseSeptember 24, 2006
i still love youSeptember 24, 2006
reaching outJuly 16, 2006