change... you know you love it, you know you hate it
<<March 13, 2001 - 12:26 am>>

Hi again. I found a quote in someone's diary. I want to put it here only because I'm really feelin it right now. I hope they don't mind, but here it is from art-thug:

"Friendships are such odd things. Some flash with joyous intent, and the possibilities of new adventures... we stand shoulder-to-shoulder with these people and face down the world... we laugh together in code... and then it stops. Often without understanding how or why, it stops.

And then if we're fortunate, it starts again. It starts again, only different. Only the same. That's how it is. It's the condition of change."

Right now I am talking to Jaclyn. She IMed me. I haven't talked to her in a long time.. and I am reminded of how much I love her.. I am going home this weekend. I can't wait to see her... Wow. She just said, "we'll get a desi/jennie/u/me get together." It's been forever since we've done that. Forever. Especially since, for a few years there, we thought we had lost Desi. The original crew back together. Intact. A little older. A little wiser [hopefully]. Some with children.. or soon-to-be-children.. Our crew from middle school.. Wow.. The drive there is gonna suck, though.. I don't like driving on long trips alone anymore.. I had gotten used to having someone in the car with me.. But.. 'shouldn't get used to things..

I feel pain in my chest...


Delirium: Um. What's the name of the word for things not being the same always. You know. I'm sure there is one. Isn't there?

Ruby: Beats me, hon.

Delirium: There must be a word for it...The thing that lets you know time is happening. Is there a word?

Dream: Change.

Delirium: Oh. I was afraid of that.


I think.. I'm gonna do something crazy.. and read a story..


step back - push forward


-January 16, 2017
ChicagoMarch 19, 2011
ok i will say something elseSeptember 24, 2006
i still love youSeptember 24, 2006
reaching outJuly 16, 2006