christmas and herpes
<<December 12, 2001 - 10:44 pm>>

I am absolutely amazed that I've got about 95% of my Christmas shopping done. There's just about one or two gifts that I MAY get for friends, depending on monetary resources. Oh, and there's a little bit of Hanukkah shopping to do still. I know I'm a little late for that one.. The way I see it, though, Hanukkah isn't over yet. But.. all the necessary shopping for Christmas is DONE. And it isn't even the day before Christmas yet. Good (low-priced) gifts just jumped out at me as I was doing normal shopping. That's really the best way to do it.


I have herpes.

No, not like that. But I do have a cold sore. This time it's above my lip, not on it. So it's more noticible. I get them once or twice a year, and usually when I'm quite stressed. Plus my hair needs to be died. My natural hair just cannot stand on its own anymore. It gets oily, nappy, flat and disgusting.

Altogether, I look like a hideous monster.

Oh well.

Y'know.. I was thinking about this the other day, looking at all the other girls' nicely trimmed bodies.. that.. Given the opportunity, I would trade my body for a lot of the ones I see. I know mine needs a bit of work right now. However, I wouldn't trade my face with anyone. For some reason, I have this idea in my head that, in normal situations (sans cold sore and nappy hair), I'm pretty. I NEVER used to think like that years back. I didn't like ANYTHING about myself except for my eyes. But now.. I look in the mirror.. and I'm genuinely satisfied with what I see. And I certainly don't think it's being vain.. I'm just content with what I have. I'm content with pretty much everything I have.. my body is well proportioned.. it just needs to be worked out. But I think it was the dying of my hair that improved my facial appearance for me. People tell me I look better with the more blonde hair, but.. I love the deep brown hair. Brunettes in general are always more attractive to me..

I dunno. I'm rambling. And I need to study for my philosophy exam.


step back - push forward


-January 16, 2017
ChicagoMarch 19, 2011
ok i will say something elseSeptember 24, 2006
i still love youSeptember 24, 2006
reaching outJuly 16, 2006