vices to fill the void
<<February 12, 2002 - 10:57 am>>

Caffeine, my friend, my savior.. I had forgotten about you.. and how good you make me feel. I tasted you in a mocha frappacino this morning.. and I felt more elated than I had been in a while. So I took more of you in a pill. I didn't need a cigarette this morning, because I had you. I shouldn't be smoking anyway. Especially not when taking birth control. You know.. higher risk of stroke, cancer, all that. But I need SOMETHING in the morning to help me get going.

Oh, dear Cigarette, you are so misunderstood. The truth spokespeople, they bully your makers, acting like smart-asses. ("Venga a la tierra de Marlboro.") But nobody likes a bully or a smart-ass. They should have real smokers talk instead. They'll tell you how they've been trying to leave you for years. How your harsh ingredients and chemicals cut up their throats and made them cough up blood. How you've intoxicated their lungs. But still they can't leave you, no matter how hard they try. If the truth spokespeople want to deter others from smoking, maybe they'll listen to that. But then again, maybe they won't. I didn't. But I'm not addicted. I can leave you whenever I want. I just like the feel of you inside me, filling up my lungs with warmth. You give me a little kick in the mornings or whenever I need a pick-up. You relax my insides. But I don't need you. I could always have someone else and I would be satisfied.

Like my old friend, Caffeine...


step back - push forward


-January 16, 2017
ChicagoMarch 19, 2011
ok i will say something elseSeptember 24, 2006
i still love youSeptember 24, 2006
reaching outJuly 16, 2006