<<Mo` 04.15.02 - 1:29 pm>>

Judith, the girl who works here at the apartment complex where I live, has to be the absolute sweetest leasing consultant alive. Probably the sweetest person alive.

I'm just.. taken over by how absolutely and completely sweet she is. I've never encountered someone so overly nice, but not fake and sickeningly so.

But just genuinely sweet. Refreshingly sweet and nice.

We were unable to pay rent on time this month, right? Aaron talked to them about how I have a credit card that is over the limit and we wanted to try to pay a good chunk of it so I wasn't swatted with over the limit fees and late fees and such this month, (like I was last month). So they were absolutely understanding, they accepted a check for half our rent and the rest was supposed to be paid on Friday.

Well, I fucked up in trying to pay it on Friday. Aaron left it to me to handle since he had to work, and of course, I had to mess it up. 'Cuz he tells me things as he's leaving for work in the morning- I'm still half asleep, and not hearing a word he says. I may say "okay", like I know what he's saying and agreeing to what he's telling me, but, really, he should know better.

So I was supposed to go to the teller with my paycheck and get a money order or bank check. Silly me thought he was supposed to transfer his direct deposit to his savings--excuse me, our savings, but what I didn't hear him tell me in the morning was that his direct deposit didn't go through in the morning, so I was supposed to use my check.

Not knowing this, I proceeded to deposit my paycheck at the ATM where only $100 goes through, putting the other $200 on hold for a few days. And then when I checked our savings, I saw that, woopsy, there's only $41 in it.

So long story short, I couldn't pay them the rest of the rent on Friday. And I'm still waiting for that dang check to clear.

So.. Judith knocks on my door this morning. I'm half-dressed, getting ready for class, so I hastily throw a bp shirt on that was lying on the floor. Anyway, she just wants to know when we'd be getting the rest of the rent in. I told her that I was waiting for my check to clear, which should be either today or tomorrow.

And she was completely fine with that. Happy, satisfied. "Just let us know if anything changes."

I told her I would.

And as she was walking off, and I almost shut the door, I suddenly felt the inspiration to open the door back up, peer out, and call out after her: "Thank you so much for being so understanding!"

You don't understand. After the nightmare at The Groves in Miami..

She sort of waved her little arm with a smile in a 'oh, pish posh' sort of way, and said, "Oh, don't worry about it."

Like I was being silly or something.


step back - push forward


-January 16, 2017
ChicagoMarch 19, 2011
ok i will say something elseSeptember 24, 2006
i still love youSeptember 24, 2006
reaching outJuly 16, 2006