the weekend
<<Mo::09.09.02 - 11:23 am>>


I'm back from Miami and all.

It wasn't as fun as I hoped it would be. But then, nothing really is anymore these days.

The best part, though, was just seeing the place I loved after nine months of being away. Driving in, on I-95, the traffic would thicken and get very slow the closer I got to Miami. But I didn't mind one bit- I loved it, in fact- 'cuz, baby.. it's Miami..

a real city.. after living for nine months in this wannabe city they call Orlando.

Shit- Tampa is more of a city than Orlando.

Orlando just sucks one big fat hairy ass.

But.. driving in.. seeing the crisscross of all the ramps everywhere across the highway.. dozens and dozens of them.. some going 4 layers high. And I saw that they even painted some of them.. so that they were colorful. A very Miami thing to do. Charming.

And then when I got off I-95, got on 163rd [826], and made that right turn onto Biscayne Blvd.. Oh man, it was like coming back home again. That was a turn that I've made hundreds of times.. and then making it for the first time in nine months- It was disorienting at first, but then it just smoothed right in.



North Miami, baby..

I wanted to stop by FIU, just to look.. have a look and see, and remember.. But Captain Aaron wouldn't let me. Some excuse about not having time or something. I don't know why I listen to him, really. I'm the one that drives, dammit. I should be taking us where we're going. I shouldn't ever listen to him anymore. Most of the time, I'm good about that. But the few times that I do, and when it matters, then I get unhappy, and I just pile on one more layer to the ocean of resentment I already have for him..

But anyway.. most of the weekend was spent going around Miami, seeing the kind of changes that were made.. 'n stuff.

I didn't drink once this weekend. That kinda sucked. All I wanted for my birthday was a huge party where I could get stupid drunk. But alas, no party..

The only time I did drink, however, was on Sept. 6th at 12:00 AM on the dot. I got myself an ultimate cosmopolitan at Friday's. It was absolutely delicious, but.. I didn't realize it was, like, 9 dollars. Oh well. It was my birthday, I was allowed to. They also gave me a shot of whatever I wanted for free [more like two shots from the size of the glass]. Not knowing much of my options, Hunbun suggested Bacardi O, so I was like, 'alright, I'll go with that.'

The guy sweetened it up for me, too.

Dude. It's been awhile. Don't look at me like that.

I need, like, a party mentality for me to actually enjoy drinking.

'Cuz, otherwise.. it just tastes nasty.. and I just get bloated.

And that's all there is to it.

It is pretty crazy that I can just buy alchohol now, should I ever feel so inclined. After spending 20 years getting used to being shunned away..


step back - push forward


-January 16, 2017
ChicagoMarch 19, 2011
ok i will say something elseSeptember 24, 2006
i still love youSeptember 24, 2006
reaching outJuly 16, 2006