legalize it
<<Th::09.05.02 - 2:19 am>>

Guess what I just realized!


Tomorrow's my birthday!!

Tomorrow night, right at midnight, I'll be at Friday's, at the bar.. having my very first legitimate drink.

And then we go down to Miami. And have good times. And drink some more.

And.. I'd also like to shout out a very happy birthday to my twin as well. She's cool as hell, and I know she's gonna be havin' fun times, too. And, unfortunately for her, I don't have any magic connections. Althought they say that my old roommate used to do voodoo..

p.s. A sundance is cheap! I got mine for $995. ;p

p.p.s. In other very happy and uplifting news, there's talk of legalizing marijuana in Canada. 'Bought time. 'Looks like those Canadians have a little more of, what I like to call, common sense.

Here's a very refreshing statement, for example:

"There is no good reason to subject the consumers of cannabis to the application of criminal law," Sen. Pierre Nolin of the Progressive Conservative party said. "In a free society as ours, it's up to the individual to decide whether to consume cannabis or not."

Damn, Canada just keeps sounding better and better..

Not that I've ever smoked pot or anything in my life. I've heard it's very nice, but that's about all I know. It seems everyone else around me smokes it, though.. And I happen to think that pot-heads are a sad waste of a life, but.. Hey. It's about time that we start giving people the freedom to make their own choice.

'Cuz, seriously.. when you hear about people getting arrested and treated brutally by cops just because they were growing a fucking plant?? It all seems very ridiculous to me. Just like having a speeding limit. Nobody every follows those things. In fact, most everyone treats that special little number on the side of the road as a speed minimum.

I suspect that the only reason we still have those, is so that police departments can get some kind of revenue.


step back - push forward


-January 16, 2017
ChicagoMarch 19, 2011
ok i will say something elseSeptember 24, 2006
i still love youSeptember 24, 2006
reaching outJuly 16, 2006