can i breathe now?
<<Fr 09.20.02 - 10:53 pm>>

So it was the battery.

And we got a new battery, Hunbun hooked it all up. And once we got it started again.. no more "Check Engine" light on.

Go figure.

Problem solved.

The rest of the day was spent being annoyed by him, though. He still doesn't get it, no matter how many times I tell him, how many times I bitch and yell.. I need my space. But he won't give it. I don't understand it. At all. How can a person not have an inkling of any perceptive ability, but just keeps coming back for what he wants.

Like a puppy in love with an electrical socket.


I felt so damn claustrophobic today.

I envy people who are on their own. Free to do what they want. And free to not be bothered when they don't want to be. Free.. to have a life of your own.

I have a couple things to look forward to. This town car is nothing but a sack of misery, so after this problem, we are even more determined to trade it in. Probably for a VW golf. Four door [I might give in to two.] White.

His cousin has a dealership in Sebring, FL. "Sebring" translates to "old people town." Which translates to "Town Car Big Sell." Which that translates to "Give me Town Car, I give you golf good deal."

Or something like that.

We're very optimistic right now.

People have funny reactions to my car, though. One kid at work was like, "whoa.. you could sell that for 15 grand." And then this manic depressive guy who shows up once in a while at my work saw me get in my car one night and said to me, "I didn't know you were rich."

And I told him, "I'm not."

And he was like, "oh."


Oh, and all the black people love my car, too..

But anyway..

Second thing to look forward to.. We are also seriously going to try to move back to Miami. And this is the best part: I would live in the dorms for about a month or so until he finishes the lease here. Good god, to live on my own again. To not have my abode cluttered by newspapers, clothes, receipts, empty boxes, computer parts, plugs, wires, magazines, mini discs, mail that's never sorted, etc, etc, etc. And then to decorate the way I want. To be able to make my bed every day. To eat whenever the fuck I want and not have someone else getting me fat. To have my own computer on my on desk in my own privacy and to be able to leave my AIM on 24/7..

And. Well. So much more..

I was hoping he could just stay at his parents for the rest of the semester, but.. he didn't like that idea too much. He wants to join me at the dorm. He's done it before..

I just need a break. Isolation and claustrophobia are not things I want to deal with every day. And I'm afraid that day after day of his impounding, overbearing influence.. will leave me unable to speak for myself and so helpless that I will be one of those people that are afraid to leave their home. There's some kind of phobia name for that..

It's just.. I dunno..

It feels so fucking tight in here..


step back - push forward


-January 16, 2017
ChicagoMarch 19, 2011
ok i will say something elseSeptember 24, 2006
i still love youSeptember 24, 2006
reaching outJuly 16, 2006