the past few days
<<We 10.06.02 - 10:43 am>>

"If human beings don't keep exercising their lips, their brains start working."

I've always wondered about that.. Why people always feel so compelled to speak, even when they have nothing to say..

Anyway, yesterday -the first time since before highschool- I finished reading a book all by myself. With no one forcing me or even encouraging me to read. It was Douglas Adams' The Restaurant at the End of the Universe, a book that somehow or other never got returned to the ex. And me, now finally reading it, after 2 [or 3? I lost count] years.. It was a light and fanciful read, and I can't wait to escape reality into my next book very soon. [6 times 9 doesn't even equal 42. I love it.]

But, uhm.. I dunno.. I have very little to say right now.

Yesterday was my day off. Here's what I did: Finished reading the book [in bed], went online for maybe an hour, back to bed, didn't get up until 6 pm, when I finally took my shower and made myself something to eat. It was a beautiful day all by myself. Just me and my dreams. I do need to get out more, though. I just have no place to go in Orlando, though.

I went bowling over the weekend. We went to my parent's house [an hour and a half away] because some relatives from New York were visiting, and it was my brother's birthday. He's 20 now. But.. We went bowling with my brother and some of his friends. At the time, I thought I was having a horrible time. I was very self-conscious because I'm horrible at bowling [it's been forever, plus I have a problem with my wrist- it was broken in the 1st grade [roller skating- something else I can't do] and never healed properly. The doctor said it was fine, since I could move my fingers. But when I finally went to get an x-ray two years later, they found it was broken in six places..]. I did, however get one strike and a few spares.. but most of them just wound up in the gutter. But.. it wasn't until a couple days after that I realized, "Hey, that was kinda fun. I'd like to do it again." Luckily, there's a brand new bowling alley down the road [Boardwalk Bowl] that is absolutely the most beautiful bowling alley I've ever seen in my life. With an arcade, a couple shops, a gorgeous sit-in bar, and then turn the corner and you've got a triumphant display of bowling lanes on both sides of you. Something I haven't seen. And, like I said, I don't go bowling much.

So now I'm rambling. But it's okay.

I worry about my grandmother. She's getting old.. and forgetful.. repeats herself a lot. And when they let her have [for fun] some pina colada for my brother's birthday celebration, it was just.. too much for me. I stayed quiet the whole time. But she was acting a little "wild" or "out of hand", mostly making dog-eyed remarks at the girl my brother brought to dinner. But.. when I saw, a couple times.. just.. saliva dripping from the side of her mouth.. That really made me squirm in my seat.

But again, I kept quiet. If it were up to me, I would be much more careful with her. And I wouldn't discreetly pass her some alcoholic beverage..

Because.. I had a dream about her a while ago..

I found her in my old room at my parent's house.. lying on her back, on the floor.. covered with stench and vomit.. and I didn't know if she was alive or dead..

So.. yeah.. not a pretty sight to dream..


step back - push forward


-January 16, 2017
ChicagoMarch 19, 2011
ok i will say something elseSeptember 24, 2006
i still love youSeptember 24, 2006
reaching outJuly 16, 2006