the ghosts
<<December 26, 202 - Thursday, 10:32 pm>>

It's no wonder that I'll never fully get Him out of my head. Anywhere I go, or anything I do, or any interests or appreciations I hold dear can inevitably be traced back to Him. As a result, I'm constantly reminded, whether I'm conscious of it or not.

And so, just to be stupid, I wanted to make a list of all the things that He introduced me to, many of which I would never have known about or grow to be interested in, so I can't help but be grateful for what an honor it was to know him.

Here, take a look. Come bask in the fruit of his influence..

The Things he Introduced Me to:

and so much more..

And then there were..

Things I Never Took Too Well to:


For the past few days, I've been battling a ghost of the Past. It came on strong [as they often do], invading my every waking thought, leaving me to walk around with my head in a thick cloudy haze, and more distracted than I normally am. But I think I conquered this one. And I might have even turned it into something positive.

They can make me falter and hesitate, but they'll never defeat me.

I won't let them


This need for him comes and goes, but when it does hit me, it stings hard, grabbing hold, and won't let go. It's probably very much like a recovering alcoholic yearning for that bottle at his lowest points. Or, even worse, a recovering heroine addict, craving just one hit, when a window of weakness has opened..

Who ever said love wasn't a drug..?


I think I'll find another way;
There's so much more to know.
I guess I'll die another day;
It's not my time to go.



step back - push forward


-January 16, 2017
ChicagoMarch 19, 2011
ok i will say something elseSeptember 24, 2006
i still love youSeptember 24, 2006
reaching outJuly 16, 2006