a day for goodbye
<<January 2, 2003 - Thursday, 11:37 pm>>

So tomorrow is my last day at the library..

My boss put together a cute little going away thing for me today. Some brownies and chips, a card that everybody signed, and a couple of really cute gifts [a frame and set of notecards]. They're so incredibly thoughtful over there. They remind me of how I used to be..

I thanked my boss, of course. I didn't know if I should have given her a hug. She was close enough in proximity for me to attempt it, but.. I'm always so iffy on those things. I usually just wait for the other person to initiate it. I've always wished I could be one of those affectionate touchy-feely people, but.. I just can't get myself comfortable enough for it, I guess. I probably should have given her a hug, though. The poor lady's probably lonely.

So.. but that group of ladies inspired me to brush up my my thoughtfullness. I fully intend to use one of the notecards to thank all of them for being so warm and welcoming, which I'll mail out once I move in to my dorm. And I even accomplished my task of sending out Christmas cards this year. I sent out these darling little petite cards that I found at Target, with scenes of snowflakes and glitter everywhere.

Last day at the library.. And last day here. We're planning on driving down for Miami on Saturday. Somehow. I'm barely packed, I don't know how we're supposed to accomplish that. I just wish I could have really enjoyed this apartment, though. It really is cute and lovely. But we kept it plagued with clutter and junk that builds and never gets sorted or thrown away..


Oh well. I'll do better this year, right?

I've been working on my awareness factor, lately, too. As silly and ridiculous as it sounds, I really do have to work on that. For example, in the library, I'll be shelving, and every few minutes, I will literally ask myself: "Where are you right now?"

I'm at the library.

"And what are you doing at the library?"

I am working. This is my job.

I've grown so accustomed to tuning everything out that I literally have to do stuff like that. I don't know how else to approach it, really, other than to keep that internal conversation of awareness going..

Anyone else have better ideas..?

Well.. I should get to bed.

Tomorrow will be a day of goodbyes.


step back - push forward


-January 16, 2017
ChicagoMarch 19, 2011
ok i will say something elseSeptember 24, 2006
i still love youSeptember 24, 2006
reaching outJuly 16, 2006