if only..
<<June 05, 2003 - Thursday, 1:36 pm>>

If only sitting in front of a computer could burn calories..

I'd be the fittest girl in the world.


I cannot believe how much I am unable to grasp accounting. And accounting was the original major I was going for. But, now.. in my third year, I'm finally able to take the accounting introductory course, and.. My mind is twisting and bending over trying to figure out this stuff. It's not the math. The part that I'm still not getting is where to record transactions, and which accounts to debit and credit from. They keep saying over and over in the book, there is no mystery to debit and credit. Debit is simply left-side, credit is simply right-side. But the hard part is NOT debit or credit, it's FIGURING OUT which side to put the transaction on. Sometimes debit means you're adding, and sometimes it means you're subtracting. Holy fucking cow, why make it so complicated?

I just can't get it all straight..

Whatever.. I tried..

This weekend I will sleep. Sleep until it hurts. Sleep until I can't sleep no more.

I am going to wear myself out sleeping.


'Can't wait.


step back - push forward


-January 16, 2017
ChicagoMarch 19, 2011
ok i will say something elseSeptember 24, 2006
i still love youSeptember 24, 2006
reaching outJuly 16, 2006