concerts 'n such
<<July 15, 2003 - Tuesday, 3:31 am>>

Discovered a new one.. Monday Madness [it's still Monday for me, trust me]:

1. Have you ever attended a concert? If so, who; and how old were you when you attended your first concert?

I haven't attended many actual "concerts." I grew up playing sax and clarinet in a number of band organizations, so I've performed many so-called small-scale local, free "concerts" and attended many other classical and jazz local talent. Actual concerts, though.. I believe my first was with my high school boyfriend. We saw.. Crap, I can't remember the name now. Some solo guitarist. It was quite lovely.

My second concert was when I went with two friends of mine. We went to see Limp Bisket[blech], Godsmack[Yay!] and some rap guy. Heh. I had the time of my life! My bod was looking good, and I just bought this funky orange sleeve-less top for the event. I had just gotten my car then, and, I believe, I had given my two friends a ride. I had my first beer at that concert. I asked for a soda, and the guy was like, "You sure you don't want a beer?"

Being the stupid, naive person I was, I protested, "But I'm not 21.."

And he was like, "Huh? I didn't hear that.."

Catching on, finally, I decided, "Yeah, I'll have a Bud Lite." And I walked back to my seat with something to impress my friends with. And mess with their heads. "Want some of my soda..?"

It was interesting. We caught up with someone we haven't seen since, like, Freshman or Sophomore year. [We were graduated from high school at this point]. His name was Gary. My one friend, Jaclyn, had the biggest crush on him for the longest time. It was cute. One time when she was receiving myserious "secret admirer" letters, she thought it was from him. 'Turned out it wasn't. It ended up being my high school boyfriend before we hooked up. Jaclyn wasn't interested, and then I guess I was second choice. [yay for me :p]

But anyway.. Something I NEVER confessed was that I used to have a crush on this Gary guy, too.

Silly, silly, silly.

Afterwards, all four of us drove around downtown Tampa in my car, circling the concert arena, trying to find where Gary parked his car. I didn't have a passenger seat next to me at the time, so Gary had to sit on the floor.

Fun times, fun times..

And then there were two concerts I've seen with Hunbun. SFA, and Pearl Jam. SFA is absolutely awesome in concert. I saw them in a shitty hole-in-the-wall club in downtown Orlando called The Social. I had never heard of them before I went, but they just completely won my heart over. Pearl Jam.. beautiful. Thousands of people standing outside and singing along to words like, "Hearts and thoughts they fade. Fade away.." and "Oh, I-I-I-I I'm still alive!" It got me choked up a bit. A session with Pearl Jam.. it's not like you're just standing there watching them play music.. it's like you're involved and it's a project of everyone making music together..

And, of course.. since my brother's in the music scene, I've also attended a few of his band's shows and other local rock talent. Good stuff.

2. What is the biggest ride or rollercoaster that you've ever been on? Were you frightened to go on it?

I've been to all the central Florida theme parks. Bush Gardens, Disney, Universal. Take your pick. I think I was frightend to go on "The Hulk" at Adventure Island. But mostly because I wasn't in a good mood that night.

3. Is there an annual 'festival' that you make sure you never miss? If so, please tell about it; if not, is there any annual event that you like to attend?

Annual festival.. Hrm.. Well, I like catching Renaissance Festivals.


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