<<July 28, 2003 - Monday, 12:38 am>>

Not too long ago, Mr.A told me he was going to get me a mini cooper. He also said, "If I can get you a car by Wednesday, would you have sex with me?" I told him right away, "Yes." Call me a slut, but I'd say yes to anyone who was to offer me a nice car with a price tag of just one sex romp.

Uhm. Heh.

What? It's true..

Anyway, I had my suspicions about how he could possibly have the money to buy me a car all of a sudden. But I played along. And I pretty much knew what I was in for.

So I clarified my deal: "A car that I can drive in."

Here's what I got:

No dice for the deal, but.. Hey, it was a lot of fun to put together.

I'm such a dork..

Do you realize I still get giddy over the 50 cent toy machines in front of grocery stores? Those toys that come in a bubble? Seriously. If I see some cute alien figures, have to buy it. Today I found Homie Clowns at Publix, and bought one of those. On a trip to the parents' house, at some mall, we discovered miniature bobble-heads of The Simpsons! But they cost a dollar. There was no way I couldn't get one of those. Even if it meant searching frantically around the mall for a way to get some change. Finally, I had enough quarters for just one. And I got Homer. The best of them all. He now stands proudly on my dashboard. But.. next time I go to the parents I will be armed with an ass-load of quarters, and we will purposely stop at that mall again to get a handful more of those mini Simpsons bobble-heads.

Such are the determined endeavors of my life.


And now for more madness.. Monday Madness:

1. What one thing do you wish would never have been invented? Why?
Automatic toilets. I HATE them. They always flush just when I sit down, splashing water on my bare ass. Uck.

2. If you could change the speed limit on the highways, what would you change it to?
This is something that I've actually thought a lot about. And I decided it should be 80. Hell, no.. Make it 90. That way, it can truly live up to it's name as a speed limit. Not a speed minimum.

3. What word or words do you misspell consistently?
EXERCISE!! Always, always, I tend to want to spell it "excersize." I don't know why!

4. What wealthy person is the least deserving of their fortune? Why?
Sorry to say.. But that guy who started Girls Gone Wild. Fun stuff, yes, but shit.. the premise of it, learning the background of it on VH1 or whatever. Especially when coaxing a girl to show her chest when she's trying to say no. "You know she wants to." No.. girls love attention. 'Doesn't necessarily mean they want to take their top off. *shrug* It just bothers me.. A guy getting paid to sexually harrass girls..


step back - push forward


-January 16, 2017
ChicagoMarch 19, 2011
ok i will say something elseSeptember 24, 2006
i still love youSeptember 24, 2006
reaching outJuly 16, 2006