<<August 18, 2003 - Monday, 11:52 pm>>

I'm back!

My return was a bit delayed as I requested to have my paycheck mailed to my parents' address because I ended up going negative in my checking account [once again]. Silly me entrusted the US postal service to arrive with the paycheck in a timely manner. It finally arrived this afternoon, and we were able to head back.

Now I have just two days to pack and prepare for my move back into the dorms.. Excited? Absolutely. But.. a little annoyed that I won't be moving in alone.. We worked out a deal, however. He's staying with me until he can get the money for his own apartment.

That aside, here are some highlights of the past week and a half, things I've learned, things I've done or accomplished:

eating sugar and lots of carbs kicks my ass now [my body can't take it]

i can do 50 sit-ups a day now without getting tired out

i have the entire first collection of mini Simpsons bobble-heads

wherever you go, you can never satisfy a homeowner with how you treat their house

is there anything to do in tampa bay??

I got a C in management accounting!!!

some people don't change

others never cease to amaze you

and my very favorite, a very rare delight for me:

there's nothing like staying up and just talking until 2:30 in the morning with an old friend


step back - push forward


-January 16, 2017
ChicagoMarch 19, 2011
ok i will say something elseSeptember 24, 2006
i still love youSeptember 24, 2006
reaching outJuly 16, 2006