pain and pleasure
<<Tu 09.17.02 - 1:56 am>>

This morning, in the shower.. I reaped the "rewards" of a society being humane to animals. I got shampoo in my eye. I buy cheap, 79 cent Alberto VO5. And.. omigod, as soon as it did, I started screaming and crying and stomping my feet like a 3-yr-old having a fit. It hurt that much! So Hunbun came in, trying to help me. He even brought out his saline solution to rinse my eye out. But I, in my pain, kept fighting him back and I couldn't keep my eye open for him because it hurt too much. And he, of course, took it personally, saying, "Why can't you trust me?"

And I kept trying to explain [whiny, screaming, desperate tones, remember] that it's not a matter of trust, it's a matter of fucking pain!

Dear lord, it felt like someone was jabbing my eyeball with a knife. And I haven't cried like such a baby in a very long time.

During this whole ordeal, I had a sneaking suspicion about this shampoo product, and when I could finally keep my eye open long enough to read it, it was like, "aHA!"

"This product not tested on animals."

Fair enough.

But if you can't test it on animals, at least test it on somebody!!

Drug addicts would suffice, I think.

Good lord, that was fucking painful..

Ahh.. But anyway..

As I made my way to change the trash can in front of the store tonite [at work], one of our regulars, a 30-something hispanic guy, [not really a "customer", but someone who comes in and out to talk, or get free water- we have a lot of those] proceeded to, right in front of me, take one of the discarded cigarette butts out of the large ashtry on top of the can so that he could smoke it. He excused himself, saying he didn't have money to buy any cigarettes.

Are you surprised that people would do this? Try to smoke a used cigarette?

Don't be. I deal with people like this all the time. And much worse.

So I asked him, "You need a cigarette?"

"Yeah. You got any?"

I went to my car, a few feet away, and brought out my pack of Camel Lights. [I smoked maybe 2 of them. The only reason I got them is 'cuz the store I normally go to didn't have my cheap 1.59 Liggits in a box anymore. I decided to try Camel Lights instead. They were so horrible to me that I actually had to give in, go back to that store, and buy the friggin' soft pack of my cheap cigarettes.]

The guy was so happy. You could tell I made his day. He even went ahead and finished taking care of that trash can for me. Put the new one in, took the full one to the dumpster and everything..

And to be honest, it felt really good to have the resources to make someone's day like that. It was just.. a sweet exchange of kindness. Between the unlikeliest of combinations.


step back - push forward


-January 16, 2017
ChicagoMarch 19, 2011
ok i will say something elseSeptember 24, 2006
i still love youSeptember 24, 2006
reaching outJuly 16, 2006