dark and beautiful
<<October 27, 2002 - Sunday, 1:30 am>>

The new guy at the gas station job complimented me on my eyes tonite.

I love it. Everywhere I go: "You have beautiful eyes."

And I believe them. And agree with them. Full-heartily.

And I always say "thank you."

But the new guy.. he's very hairy.. and I was just admiring all his thick, dark, rich hair. Like, he didn't shave tonite. And he had almost a thick beard. But he probably only skipped one day of shaving, I'd believe it. Every other night, he looks shaved, but he still has this very dark shadow.

Yes. So I was admiring all this. But.. I didn't know how I would go about complimenting him on that in return..

"You have lots of dark beautiful hair?"


But that's how I'd have my dream guy. This is primal attraction at its most, most basic. 'Cuz otherwise, I'm not attracted physcially.

But.. to have a white guy.. skin on the fairer side.. with naturally dark brown to black hair.

It's guys like that who make me absolutely weak in the knees..

But I thought about it more tonite.. A hair color like that is prone to more noticeable gray hairs sooner..

Which, that sucks. But.. thank god for hair dye.

Blah blah blah?

Change of subject: I went to "Halloween Horror Nights" the other night with Hunbun and his very annoying, social skill inept, hasn't-gotten-laid, cabbage patch look-a-like friend. [And to think, I had a sex dream about him before he came to spend the two nights. But after his visit.. I am completely disenchanted.] Yes, so it pretty much sucked for me. Loud noises irritated me. And people all around me shrieking the primal scream for "party!" absolutely annoyed me and made me sick to my stomach.

What's wrong with me, I kept thinking to myself.. But then I also started thinking.. just because everyone else thinks this is so fun, doesn't mean that I have to, too.


Or maybe you don't.

The best part for me, though, was the foam. Through "Toon Walk," they had foam spilling out everywhere. And they were playing beautifully eerie carnival music, which I loved. And the "evil clowns" that looked like trolls to me, dressed in pastel tubby-looking tights. One of them was trying to get my attention, even poked me in the shoulder. I wanted to frollick in the foam with him/her/it, but.. the other two were way up ahead in their hurry to see this stupid "Bill and Ted" Halloween thing..

So I was disappointed about that..


And stuff.

I really don't know what to say, really.

Time to turn back the clocks..


step back - push forward


-January 16, 2017
ChicagoMarch 19, 2011
ok i will say something elseSeptember 24, 2006
i still love youSeptember 24, 2006
reaching outJuly 16, 2006