so put on your yarmulke..
<<November 30, 2002 - Saturday, 8:31 p.m.>>

Ahh.. good old ranting. That felt fun to let that out. I love going off about something. And there's nothing like stupidity to get me going.

Because there's nothing I hate more than stupidity.

Sheer distractedness or spacey-ness, I can forgive. Because I'm like that all the time. But outright stupidity? Grr.. nothing makes my skin crawl more..

But anyway..

Tonight is the second night of Hanukkah. I never imagined celebrating this holiday, but it's a lot of fun. Learning and experiencing new things is always fun. I was raised Catholic. Hunbun was raised Jewish. Neither of us really practice anymore, so it's never a problem. But it's fun to celebrate each other's holidays.

He's all excited about getting a Christmas tree this year. He's never had one before. But I told him we couldn't get it until he cleans up the biggest eyesore in this apartment. We have this "study desk" in one corner [that's actually more like a counter built into the wall] and he's got alll his junk piled above and below it. I won't even go into describing it. Just imagine the worst mess possible, and it might come close. All I want for him is to clean off the counter at least [it hasn't seen daylight since we moved in here] and sort everything into boxes [or the new "mastercart" he just got] that can all be stored underneath the counter. And then we'll get an extra large tablecloth, or pretty piece of fabric, to drape over and cover the whole thing! And then that's it! We are Christmas-tree ready!

Yeah, I'm gonna see how this bargaining tactic works. That mess over there has made me sick to my stomach for many months now.

But anyway. Yeah. Eight nights of presents. Woohoo! You kinda wanna open them all at once, but you just hafta fight the urge. And we have a pretty little menorah, too. That was a bitch to try to find one. And even harder to find a non-electric one. And he says the blessings in Hebrew [because I make him- it's more fun that way. And I made him wear his yamaka (sp?) tonite, too].

Ahh.. and to think, until now, the only thing I knew about Hanukkah was that Adam Sandler song.


step back - push forward


-January 16, 2017
ChicagoMarch 19, 2011
ok i will say something elseSeptember 24, 2006
i still love youSeptember 24, 2006
reaching outJuly 16, 2006