cooking skills?
<<January 15, 2003 - Wednesday, 7:00 pm>>

Woohoo, I made dinner! God, I love being on my own. Only ME to cook for. And no one else cooking for ME and making me FAT. :p

But I just made my first meal in here. I was starving all week, surviving on granola bars and pieces of cheese. Eventually you get really drained and start to crave some SUBSTANCE.

So I bought a few things today. I was told I only had something like 8 bucks left in my checking account [Hunbun checks it for me regularly], so I went out and made the most of it. Some bread, some vanilla milk [it was cheaper than regular], 1/2 dozen eggs, some bananas, some ramen noodles, and some frozen vegetables. All for something like $6.36.

Someone special had given me the idea of adding vegetables to my macaroni and cheese yesterday. I really liked the idea and took it a little further tonite. I got oriental flavored ramen noodles and an oriental mix of vegetables, cooked them up, and then fried it together for added flavor. Damn good idea. And a sneaky way to get Danielle to eat her vegetables!

I'm so resourceful. :p

But, there's to show you that Danielle can cook when backed far enough into a corner.

And, yeah, okay, I'm in here before the weekend. I have too much stuff to say! At least I didn't spend five hours on diaryland yesterday, though..


step back - push forward


-January 16, 2017
ChicagoMarch 19, 2011
ok i will say something elseSeptember 24, 2006
i still love youSeptember 24, 2006
reaching outJuly 16, 2006