ass goblins
<<July 02, 2003 - Wednesday, 10:09 pm>>

[NEW!] dream journal

Living and driving in South Florida, there are numerous times a day that you really NEED to use the car horn. People don't know how to drive here. You would not believe how many times I had to slap my forehead because I am absolutely dumbfounded at the incredibly stupid driving moves people will make down here. And it's not the senior citizens.

Between yesterday and today, I must have needed to use my horn about 20 times. Things like, people won't look and they just cut right in front of you. Oooh, I HATE it when people decide about 10 feet before the light that they need to be three lanes over, in the turn lane! That's the worst! I've had that happen about 10 times during the last two days. And this morning, the jackass cut in front of me to get to the turn lane, but there wasn't enough room. The turn lane had a red, the straight-ahead people [that's me] had green. But I couldn't move because there was a fucking crooked SUV in front of me! Good LORD, I needed my horn then.

Well.. my horn works, but.. It's kinda embarrassing. I'm afraid it wouldn't do much to honk, or people would end up laughing at me. This big-ass Lincoln Town Car making a noise that a kiddie bicylce horn should be making.. Heh.. This high-pitched hollow sound. Apparently, the horn was damaged in the collision. I really don't want to use it, but, christ, the way these people drive..

I can be kinda funny to watch when I'm driving and someone else has pissed me off. I'll say comments out loud, and I won't hesitate to flick them off, honk my horn [when it sounded strong] in an irritating fashion, even start speeding up and getting on their tail. I never thought I'd be this kind of driver. In high school, when I was with Dan in the car, and before I started driving, he would get his mini fits of road rage, and I'd be cringing for him to calm down, or be nicer. I didn't get it at all. And here I am now.. wishing for rocket launchers. Fog horns. Bright fucking-flashing lights with specific messages for the assholes and morons on the road. Heh.

My BIGGEST pet peeve, on the highway at night, is when I'm in the left lane, doing 10 over the speed limit, and this ass goblin, doing at least 20 over starts getting on my tail, and actually flashes his brights for me to get in the other lane and out of his way. When he could just as easily change lanes himself because there is NO ONE THERE. This pisses me off to high hell. How fucking rude. What makes you, the unlawful citizen, think you should own the fucking road. I'm in the left lane myself to pass any law-abiding dears who aren't going fast enough for me. Not bothering anyone. And then YOU come along.. You ASS goblin, you..

Often, I'll be a pain in the ass and not move. You want a $180 ticket in your future? I'm not about to help you out. But.. sometimes I will move over. But then, I'll move right back in the left lane behind you. And I'll speed up, and start tail-gating YOUR ass. Eh? How you like it now? And I'll start flashing my brights at YOU. Not so pleasant, is it? Yeah, fuck off..

I like to give ass goblins a taste of their own medicine.

But.. whatever..


I REALLY want a little car again... You have NO idea how much of a pain in the ass it is driving a tank in Miami. Where roads are tight and spaces between cars are sparse. And people can't drive!

Oh, please.. anyone.. Jeebus. Mr. Lucifer. Trent. Vince Vaughn. Val Kilmer. Morgan Freeman. Alanis. Any other gods I might've left out..

All I want is a *little* car that runs!


step back - push forward


-January 16, 2017
ChicagoMarch 19, 2011
ok i will say something elseSeptember 24, 2006
i still love youSeptember 24, 2006
reaching outJuly 16, 2006