hopes direction
<<August 03, 2003 - 12:54 pm>>

Wow. For anyone who's worried.. well, thank you, but I think I'm fine now. That last entry helped sort out the direction I needed to go in. Sort of a blind-fold-me-and-spin-me-around attempt.

I still have things to worry about. My Management Accounting final is on Thursday. On my MidTerm, I got something like a 68, with curve. So.. The pressure's on to do better with this exam. Even though, I still don't fucking understand any of this b/s.

Financial worries. I managed to pull one checking account out of the negative. But I'm left with exactly 25 dollars now until Friday. And somehow I gotta pay both my credit card bills this week. Maybe I'll be lucky and find something up my ass. Meanwhile, my other checking account was still collecting overdraft fees and came to a whopping total of -196, or something like that.

Mr.A's parents still scare the shit out of me. Well, mostly the mom. I try my utmost best to avoid them. Before venturing out into the kitchen, I always ask Mr.A, "Is the boogie monster out there?"

He told me he liked that the other day. "The boogie monster." Now he's calling her that, too. Though, somehow, he's still not learning the art of avoiding her and just saying "okay" whenever she wants to talk to him about something. Which is usually about money or laundry or dishes, etc. Instead, he keeps his confrontaional stance and gets all defensive about it. 'Makes everything so much nastier. I don't know how we haven't been kicked out yet.

I'm thirsty.

But anyway.. I'm looking forward to getting accounting over and done with. I've worked out a nice schedule for fall already, and I think I can register tonite around 6:30 pm. If I read that thing right..

I can't wait to be back in the dorms again. I kinda wanted to live at the bigger, more beautiful south campus, but.. in a way, it's better to be still at the north. I won't have to walk as far to work and my classes. A lot of walking for south. But I'll be going to the south campus a couple days next fall. I'll be taking the bus down there. Which works out great, 'cuz I can catch some sleep or work on homework during that one-hour trip. And.. I dunno, something about riding the bus rejuvenates me. Maybe because it's still something new to me. And, for ONCE, I don't have to drive!

Of course.. the bad thing about being at the north campus again, though, is.. I just know I will be feeling all those girls' eyes on me again. Giving looks and whispering. I know it. It makes me uncomfortable, but.. I dunno, what can I do. I'm a walking scandal.


step back - push forward


-January 16, 2017
ChicagoMarch 19, 2011
ok i will say something elseSeptember 24, 2006
i still love youSeptember 24, 2006
reaching outJuly 16, 2006