up and up
<<August 06, 2003 - Wednesday, 11:19 pm>>

Things just keep getting better and better. And I become more and more manic right with them. Smiling more. Talking more. Waving or kicking my legs under my chair. 'Can't sit still. Too excited. So much to do and make better.

I'm on a high, on a high.. nothing more to it..

Last night I learn that one of my old friends from middle school is back in town! [ 'Can't stop using exlamation points!] She spent the last.. 3 years, was it?.. in the Phillippines, where she has family. She is now graduated with a computer science degree. How fascinating. Of all degrees. I never knew she had that interest in her.. We will have much to talk about when I see her this weekend.

I'm on a roll, I'm on a roll this time. I feel my luck could change.

Then today I picked up my financial aid check. I figured it would be something around $3.00, like last semester, so it was no big deal, and I wasn't looking forward to much. Instead, I took a very quick glance, and I saw $57.00. I thought to myself, "Hrm. Nice.. A little more than I expected.."

Then I looked again and saw there was a "4" in front of that "57.00"

I had to check another 5 times just to be sure.

Wow. Holy Shit. Is Lady Luck trying to seduce me? It couldn't have been a better time to get a surprise like that.

Money problem=gone.

It's crazy.. Everything, all the holes are filling in. I'm finally on a great track to losing those 30 pounds I gained. I've been talking more with my old friends, and soon [if all works out] our old "crew", you could say, will be reunited. Hopefully, this weekend. And now I can breathe easier about money.

'Makes my life seem pretty boring, doesn't it? Nothing to complain about.. No drama..

Now I'm trapped inside my conspiracy of happiness..

Seriously. I feel so different. I have a few theories as to what's changed me, though.

Number 1, I am on a somewhat "impossible" diet to "outsiders." "No pasta, no bread, are you crazy???" But I'm finding it so effortless and easy. I just dove right in and I'm still going strong. Not one look back. Really, I think it has helped me with discipline skills, which.. as much as I hate to admit, are VERY important for working toward a goal. Speaking of which, having a concrete goal that I'm working toward is another experience that can really shift one's focus.

But.. discipline.. It's an area I've been struggling with for probably two years now. Before, I was only listening to what I "feel like" doing. Now.. well, I still hear it, but.. I am able to keep focus as to what things I "feel like" doing will help me, and what will harm me. Honestly, I don't even FEEL like eating pasta. I haven't had a craving for it ONCE. The only things I have craved so far have been cereal and pancakes. And both of those are covered by only a certain cereal and soy flour for pancakes.

There was even a "Sweet Tooth Afternoon" get-together at work today! Temptation, PLUS the added bonus of peer pressure: They had apple pie and ice cream for employees late in the afternoon. "Why don't you have some?" Honestly, again, I had NO craving to have any. So that was pretty easy. When people asked, I told them I was on the atkins diet. For a couple people, it sparked an interested conversation.

I stayed on my diet AND I had something interesting to talk about! Two points for dani!!

Yeah, that was gay..

Number 2, for what's changed me, besides practicing discipline skills and willpower.. is.. This atkins diet is truly an experiment in "You are what you eat." Like I said, I dove right in without a second thought, and.. when you radically change your diet like that, you can really FEEL what food does to your body. The first couple days, you will FEEL what it's like to be literally drained of energy because your body has run out of carbohydrate fuel. But.. just as a friend mentioned in my guestbook.. once your body adjusts to burning fat for fuel.. the energy level goes back up. And, for me, it's been higher than I can remember in a long time. And.. I'm just thinking.. the kind of nutrition and the foods that I eat now.. perhaps it has an effect in personal mood as well. I wouldn't doubt it. Not for a minute.

Good lord, I'm sounding more and more like a walking advertisement. I must apologize..

I'm just... happy... It's been such a long time since things have really "looked up" for me..

I probably won't be writing for a week or two. However long I stay away. I'll be visiting back home..

And, well.. now I must get back to studying. Hopefully, if it all turns out well, it will be the end of accounting FOREVER.

It's gonna be a glorious day! I feel my luck could change..


step back - push forward


-January 16, 2017
ChicagoMarch 19, 2011
ok i will say something elseSeptember 24, 2006
i still love youSeptember 24, 2006
reaching outJuly 16, 2006