my own shrink ray
<<November 02, 2003 - Sunday, 11:56 am>>

Shrink rays are cool.

In my dream, I think it happened that.. a midget got caught in the path of a shooting shrink ray.. and.. well, we wondered.. would they shrink? Or.. since a midget is half shrunk already.. would they get shrunken even more into oblivion...?

I just thought it was funny that, of all things, this is what I dream of. A midget and a shrink ray.

A midget with a shrink ray..?

But maybe there was all this shrinking in my dream because I myself feel like I'm shrinking. Those old jeans a few weeks back that I was just able to fit back into.. now, those are big on me. T-shirts are starting to look big and ridiculous on me.. Everything's getting so much bigger.. It's such a wonderful feeling..

But.. speaking of midgets.. maybe this is awful to say, but.. it shows my naivete and I'm really only laughing at myself here: I remember being at Kmart way back in, like, grade school or something.. and as we were checking out, I saw this "little person" maybe one or two lanes over. I was trying to make sense of it, I guess, because it wasn't something I'd seen before. I think it was my grandmother who was with me and was telling me to stop looking. And she said it so forcefully and urgently that I thought that something terribly wrong would happen if I looked at them. I actually thought that I myself would shrink like that just by looking at them.

Hey, I was just a sheltered Catholic school kid. What did I know?


step back - push forward


-January 16, 2017
ChicagoMarch 19, 2011
ok i will say something elseSeptember 24, 2006
i still love youSeptember 24, 2006
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