ghosts and strings and things
<<December 17, 2003 - Wednesday, 3:30 pm>>

Y'all are puttin' me in a foul mood.


I think there comes a point where you get tired of self-analyzing. I had a diary to figure myself out, figure out my feelings, figure out what's wrong with me. Find a way to express myself. But I have less and less to say in that department. Even more phenomenal would be if I were to find something to say about myself that I hadn't already said or expressed before. I'm repeating myself over and over..

Has everything there is to say been said already?

Every word has been written, every thought has been thunk. You just don't know it yet. But it's all been done before..

My life is a story that's already been written. And I've read it in my dreams. The trouble comes in waking up and remembering how it went..


step back - push forward


-January 16, 2017
ChicagoMarch 19, 2011
ok i will say something elseSeptember 24, 2006
i still love youSeptember 24, 2006
reaching outJuly 16, 2006