<<July 22, 2003 - Tuesday, 11:02 pm>>

Tuesday is my Monday.

Monday Madness:

1. Do you remember what you dream about; and if so, have you had any recurring dreams?

Sometimes I do. Sometimes I don't. For a while there, I was remembering my dreams every morning. And now, lately, I haven't been. But I want to. And it's frustrating, because I love my dreams.

Yes! I've had a few recurring dreams. One very common recurring dream is the pee dream. This is the one where I'm searching frantically for a toilet because I have to pee so bad! It used to be that any stall I would find would never have a door, so that I'd be peeing in front of people. Actually, that still happens. Another common theme is the dream where someone is after me. This happens in many ways, shapes and forms, but in essence, someone is after me.

An interesting recurring dream that I used to have for a while there is that of losing my teeth. Sometimes it would bleed, sometimes it wouldn't. But, always, I would freak out, and the people around me would be like, "What is your problem?" And I would just be horrified because.. it was always my front teeth.. and being toothless is not something you can hide. And then one night, my losing teeth dream progressed. In my dream, I looked closer in the mirror and I discovered that, in place of where my teeth fell out, new ones were growing.

And I never had that dream again.

The brain is an absolutely remarkable organ.

2. What is the weirdest dream you ever had?

Oh shit.. You name it. Lots of sex-related dreams. Sex with old men, my mother sucking my brother, lesbian dreams, and a few where I had my own penis. One where I even had two penises. I'd stroke one and the other would get bigger. Crazy stuff. And then there was that one where I was being chased by those big yellow construction vehicles.. Like the caterpillar and stuff. This was back in elementary school and I still remember it! I was sleeping over at my grandparents' at the time, and I swear, I was actually yelling out, "Grandmama!" Though, it was probably more like a whisper. Speaking of which, I've been told that I sometimes mumble in my sleep. One person described it as me being in pain..? I dunno.. I would've loved to find out what that was about. All I can think, though, is that I am a very haunted person.

But.. there are so many other really weird dreams. I can't think of them all right now, understandably. And it's too hard to say which is the weirdest.

3. Do you think your dreams have anything to do with what food you eat, what mood you're in, or something that's been bothering you at the time?

I guess.. Doesn't too much sugar give you nightmares or something..? I've never really explored that, though. But.. absolutely, I think dreams definitely are influenced by mood or what's been bothering you. Even more so, your dreams will often bring to light a problem or something that's been bothering or hurting you that you've been trying to repress.

4. Have you ever been interested in knowing what your dreams mean, to the point of visiting a dream analyst or reading a book about dreams? I've read a few dream books/encyclopedias in my time. And I also keep a dream journal which works to help me interpret my dreams.


And.. just because I know these questions are "fluff", but I like to do them anyway.. I'm adding these..

this or that:

1) DVD or VHS? DVD. It's prettier. And I like extra features.

2) Best Literary/Movie Villan: Voldemort (Harry Potter) or Sauron (LoTR)? :p

3) Meat: rare or well-done? Medium well. Rare enough to be tender. Done enough to not be red.

4) High Speed Internet-Cable or DSL? Hard to say. I'll just say DSL, though, since those are my initials.

5) Women: 1-piece bathing suit or Bikini? P-sha. Please. Obviously, bikini. I may have a belly, but I'd rather have a tan belly than one that's pasty white.

6) To be fair--Men: Boxers or briefs? I'm not a guy, but boxer briefs seem really comfortable.

7) Beer or Liquor/Wine? I cannot STAND beer. Ew! Yuck! Gimme cosmo! Or a lemony malt beverage like Doc's.

8) Coke or Mountain Dew? Depends on my mood. I think Mountain Dew Code Red is my favorite. But then there are those days when I crave a Mello Yello.

9) In honor of my 10/18/03 nuptials: Morning or Afternoon/Night Wedding? Afternoon. I'm not a morning person, and you need as much time as you can get to get ready.

10) Carpet or Hardwood Floors? Depends what room. Actually, carpet sucks. I think I'd rather have wood floors everywhere. And maybe some funky rugs here and there.

11) American cars or foreign? Foreign. I want a mini.

12) Cutest TV Twin: Mary-Kate or Ashley Olsen? I don't know. I can't tell which is which.

13) Coffee: Caffeinated or Decaf? Please. There's no point to drinking coffee if there's no caffeine in it. Just like there would be no point to drinking beer if there were no alcohol in it.

14) Thought-Provoking Question of the Week: Computers: Do they make life better or worse? Why? Worse. We are all getting fatter and lazier. And losing that "human" contact.


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